Scott Gillum of Forbes recently sat down with the CEO of Adjuggler, John Shomaker.  Adjuggler is a digital ad management technology and media services company.  The purpose of the interview was for Shomaker to inform Gillum of five mobile trends to watch for this holiday season.  The list went as follows:

1. Smart, hyper-local mobile campaigns will create a new shopping experience.
2. Behavioral relevance will scale to reach holiday shoppers.
3. Successes are likely to occur in social, local and mobile.
4. Consumers will overcome the "fear factor."
5. Integration of mobile ads into multichannel campaigns will result in better lift.

I think these five things really do accurately reflect what smart phone users have been exposed to this holiday season.  In particular the first point is important for local companies to really be able to capitalize on.  Research has showed that what mobile consumers most want from their advertisements are knowledge of deals that they can go into the physical stores and capitalize on.  The article really did a good job of presenting information that can really be relevant for marketers and companies to use this holiday se

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    Austin's Mobile Blog

    I'm Austin Figueroa native of East Chicago, Indiana but currently a senior at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  This is my blog on the world of mobile communication.


    October 2012
    September 2012

